Monday, May 7, 2007


Engineering the manufacturing plant or set up new plant is the main task for production preparation. It's consequently of good sales forecast of product and must be more profitibality compared with order finish good product from others party. For example , one organisation for cars business suppose to developt manufacturing plant IF ordering the knock down (KD) more profitibality compared with ordering complete built unit (CBU) in total operation required and sales forecast in increasing position with long term period time.

After organisation decided to devolope and manage new manufacturing plant, all consideration items need to engineering for small details due to the design set up will impact to cost of investment, operation, maintenance and improvement for the future. The basic plant design will contribute to profit or loss to organisations.

The basic plant design must be well funtion for total production operation, safety to staff and environment, minimum cost for total operation and maintenance, also need to considered the future expenditure and improvement.

The raw ideas to engineering the new plant is the operation flow process and production capacity required. From here the organisation need to determine the :
1. Size of manufacturing plant.
2. Size of each building required for main operation and support.
3. Equipment and utilities.
4. Set up of total logistic flow and process flow.
5. Size of man power for total operation.
All the items mentioned will ensure that the organisation will have the RETURN OF INVESTMENT and gain the PROFIT after break event or certain period time.

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